Seeking Information - Can you help?
Seeking John O'Carroll (2012) A former member of the 26A class who was posted to the Armoured Corps Band on graduation. Paul McDonald is seeking information on his whereabouts. If you can help please contact the Association Secretary, Kevin Noon on 02 6299 9954 or email: |
RAAC Band History (2011)
Recently I received a call from a David Finlayson (Historian RAAC Officers’ Mess) regarding the 70th Anniversary History of the School of Armour. David along with Majors Peter Branagan and John Baines from the RAAC Office of Head of Corps who have written a book about the Armoured Centre’s history. As part of this history being recorded was a request for information on the history of the Royal Australian Armoured Corps Band. David forwarded a draft of the book with details obtained from roll books and diaries provided by the RAAC Corps Museum, but the information they had was not only sparse, but in some cases incorrect.
I carried out a thorough check on the band’s history through many ex-members including Don Jarrett, the first Bandmaster of the band. During my investigation I gleaned heaps more information, which included the Band's formation, personnel, engagements and the eventual demise at the end of 1973 when National Service ceased. I was fortunate to receive from some members their recollections and the odd photograph, which in turn I forwarded onto David Finlayson to be included in the book. From the initial couple of pages and with the assistance from former band members the bands history has increased dramatically. When the book is returned for a final proofing and if we add any further information I can have this information placed on the AABC Association website.
Because of the interest shown by David Finlayson and others in the bands history he thinks that that there is enough interest to take this a step further and produce an independent small A4 book about the RAAC Band with history, recollections and photos. He has requested that anybody with a story to tell, has a few pictures and recollections of those early days from September 1965 up until December 1973 when the band was disbanded, which was due to the cuts to Army units and personnel with National Service finishing. Please forward the information or photos to me, Kevin Noon, Secretary AABC Association and I’ll pass it onto the relevant people.
This is a great opportunity for the Armoured Corps, but for the AABC history as well. I urge you to go hunting in those old boxes or photo albums and put pen to paper as even the smallest story can make RAAC Band’s history extremely memorable for those who come after us.
Regards Kevin Noon Mob: 0414 313 566
Seeking Ronnie Webb
I hope someone can help me find a dear friend. Ronnie Webb, big guy, balding, mustache, always smiling, give you the shirt off his back. Percussionist, Army Reserve band after Vietnam. Worked on the railroad. I was with US Marines, Ronnie was of course with RAA in Vietnam. We saw him when the band played in Hawaii in 1991 and then again in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. If anyone knows this guy, please send me a lead, so maybe I can find him.
Thanks so much for your help, Bobby Paul
Information on deceased Australian Army Bandsmen
Ex-AABC member Gerard Corkeron is conducting research on the seven Australian Army bandsmen who have died on active service in Australia's post-WWII conflicts. The names of the fallen, their date of death, unit and the conflict are as follows:
PTE Harold John CLARK - 5 November 1950 - 3RAR - Korean War
T/CPL John McKenzie TANNOCK - 9 March 1951 - 3RAR - Korean War
PTE Mervyn Arthur Frederick WILSON - 8 January 1966 - 1RAR - Vietnam War
PTE Christopher CLARK - 8 January 1966 - 1RAR - Vietnam War
PTE Liam Mellows O'CARROLL -27 May 1966 - 4RAR - Indonesian Confrontation
PTE Albert Frederick McCORMACK - 18 August 1966 - 6RAR - Vietnam War
PTE Michael Damien POOLE - 21 February 1967 - 5RAR - Vietnam War
Gerard is hoping to hear from anybody who may have recollections of these fellows or anybody who might be able to provide information about them. If you can assist, please contact Gerard at
Identity of Bugler
Some months ago I picked up an image on the net of a bugler at RMC which I labelled as 1938 vintage. I am anxious to find out where it came from as I wish to publish it on the net, with acknowledgement and also identify the bugler. It may be that the source was the RMC Band, however I can’t find it in your publications or site. Could you please advise me of where it came from if it is of your provenance. Thanks Neville Lindsay (Email)

Comment: We do know the soldier pictured is a member of the Australian Army Service Corps who served at RMC probably as an instructor. Prior to the RMC Band being formed at the college bugle calls were carried out by members serving at RMC. Judging by the uniform the member is wearing this may be during the 1940's or before?
Can you help? - Army History Unit Customs and Traditions Recording Project |
Australian Army Band Sydney is currently undertaking a project recording all Regimental marches of the Australian Army for the Army History Unit - however we are having difficulty in locating either scores or audio (Vinyl is ok!) of the following marches - can anyone assist please?
RSAR March I'm 95 Sarie Marais Pour Bacchus (once transcribed or whatever) Royal Queensland Dashing White Sergeant Madelon Nachtlager in Granada Captain Oldfield Old Tower Wizard of Oz Bonegilla Farewell to the Creeks Brown Haired Maiden The Black Kookaburra Frog Hollow Rangers The Girl I Left Behind Me (we have half of this march in 2CAV arrangement) Fare Thee Well Inniskilling
Australian Army Band Sydney Ph: 02 8335 5057
Seeking Information
I am a member of the RAAOC Association (QLD), and have been contacted by the Secretary of their Association, a lady called Dawn Durrand. The Associationn is trying to assist his widow by getting some sort of pension ( through DVA I assume.) they need to find someone who served with this fellow in band days. His name was Richard ( Dick or Hank ) Hankinson, - he was Ordnance in 1975, so his band days would have been earlier than that.