Association News and Updates

AABC Association Award 2014

(1 Jun 2015)

The AABC Association Award which is nominated by CO AAB is awarded anually to a member of the AAB whose achievments have significanly contributed to the operational effectiveness of the AAB, the morale and esprit-de-corps of the members and enhanced the status of the AAB within the Army and the wider community. The award is a bronze Ministrel Boy statuette and a framed citation.
The recipient of the award for 2014 is SGT Dave Portakiewicz of 10/27 Royal South Australian Regiment Band. The award citation can be seen on the AABC Association Award link.

South East Queensiand Army Apprentice Reunion - Bulimba Bowling Club

(21 May 2015)

Reminder - The annual South East Queensland Army Apprentice School Reunion will be held again this year, however it will be conducted at a new venue due to the Bulimba Barracks closing. The reunion date is Sun 7 Jun 2015 commencing at 1100h - 1600h. All ex Apprentices are welcome to attend. The new venue is:

Bulimba Bowling Club
Thynne Road
Balmoral Qld

For further information contact Brian Daley (14th MV) on Mob:0412 721 761

Sick Parade Update - Kevin Klein

(16 May 2015)

Judy Klein reports that Kevin was hospitalised last Friday, had lots of tests then sent home.